All of our WHMCS Themes Have Been Updated for WHMCS 8.10
All of our WHMCS Themes have been updated for full compatibility with the latest versions of WHMCS, 8.10.0-8.10.1.

Control WHMCS Theme Version 2.14.0 Released

26th May 2020 in Latest News, Product Updates, Support Announcements

Control WHMCS Theme version 2.14.0 was released today on 26 May 2020.

This release introduces a number of new features and bug-fixes for Control WHMCS Theme based on user feedback.

New features:

  • Added new theme option (configurable via theme-options.tpl file) to enable the display of spotlight TLDs alongside the index page domain search – enabled by default.
  • Added new theme options (configurable via theme-options.tpl file) to enable/disable the display of SSL status icons on client area domain and product pages – enabled by default.
  • Added new theme options (configurable via theme-options.tpl file) to add a custom SSL purchase URL (for SSL status icons) when not using WHMCS MarketConnect to sell SSL certificates.


  • JS/TPL update to prevent an issue with icheck loading on configure product page when billing cycle is changed.
  • CSS update to allow text wrapping on buttons with long text.
  • CSS update to add margin to invoice pay button.
  • CSS/TPL update to increase the width of the main navigation items (in minimised display) when using Spanish language – to allow for the increased text length of some menu items in this language.
  • CSS update to improve the display of Stripe payment gateway fields on the checkout page.
  • CSS update to automatically vertically centralise the main brand logo without having to add custom padding.
  • CSS update to improve the display of collapsed cart sidebar on mobile devices and smaller screen sizes.
  • CSS/TPL update to improve the display of HTML invoice and quote header on mobile devices and smaller screen sizes.
  • CSS update to prevent cart slider selector from appearing over the top of the main navigation (in minimised display).

Please refer to the theme documentation for more information on the new theme options detailed above.

To upgrade your installation, follow the standard upgrade process as outlined in the theme documentation here.

Please note that this upgrade will overwrite the theme-options.tpl file, as it introduces several new theme options. Please make sure to backup or make a note of any edited settings in this file so that you can re-implemented these following the upgrade.

This version is compatible with WHMCS versions 7.10.0-7.10.2. It is not compatible with earlier versions of WHMCS.

The latest theme files can be downloaded by logging in to the My Account section of our website here.

The release notes and changelog for this version can also be in the My Account section of our website.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us via our online support desk.

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