All of our WHMCS Themes Have Been Updated for WHMCS 8.10
All of our WHMCS Themes have been updated for full compatibility with the latest versions of WHMCS, 8.10.0-8.10.1.

Simplicity WHMCS Theme Version 2.8.0 for WHMCS Version 7.7.0 Released

24th January 2019 in Latest News, Product Updates, Support Announcements

Simplicity WHMCS Theme version 2.8.0 was released today on 23 January 2019.

This release introduces full compatibility for WHMCS 7.7.0.

This release also includes the following updates and bugfixes:

  • Add new theme option to choose whether the sidebar is displayed on the left or right.
  • Add theme option to choose between fixed width or fluid header.
  • Adjust badge position on tabs
  • Improve responsive layout of credit card page
  • RTL Layout Fix for International Telephone Input Field
  • CSS update for compatibility with 2CO inline checkout

This version is compatible with WHMCS version 7.7.0. It is not compatible with earlier versions of WHMCS.

The latest theme files can be downloaded by logging in to the My Account section of our website here.

The release notes and changelog for this version can also be in the My Account section of our website.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us via our online support desk.

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