All of our WHMCS Themes Have Been Updated for WHMCS 8.10
All of our WHMCS Themes have been updated for full compatibility with the latest versions of WHMCS, 8.10.0-8.10.1.

Control WHMCS Theme Version 2.1.1 Released

6th December 2016 in Product Updates, Support Announcements

Control WHMCS theme version 2.1.1 was released today on 6 December 2016.

This release fixes the following bugs identified in the previous version:

  • Javascript problem on order form configure product page which prevented the submit button from working when either the order summary container was set to bottom or auto-scroll was disabled
  • Javascript problem with spotlight TLD results on order form configure product domain page which caused spotlight results to show as unavailable/invalid

This version is compatible with WHMCS versions 7.0.1 – 7.0.2.

Further details on the new theme options can be found in the theme documentation.

The latest theme files can be downloaded by logging in to the My Account section of our website here.

The release notes and changelog for this version can also be in the My Account section of our website here.

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